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Release date:2021-04-20 Source:Pure-Air Pageviews:-

High-quality laser industrial dust collector manufacturers will apply their own grinder dust collector equipment to the expected effect and quality. It is not a mere marketing promotion name. Which environmental evaluation models will win some luck. The mental state of the company. At present, countries all over the world are endangered by various environmental protection issues, and more and more manufacturers of portable welding fume extractor have gradually learned that this kind of blunt way of catching some small and medium-sized enterprises has long been useless. Now, thinking of the nature of manufacturing enterprises, the quality, technology, service items, etc. of machinery and equipment are used to determine the development trend of the sales market.

grinder dust collector

   The prerequisite for the success of the dust collector system software is that it can reasonably capture industrial production dust. The capture speed and equipment are all the key main parameters of the design of the vacuum hood. ACGIH (American Conference of Government Hygienists) has provided more meaningful specific guidance for the highly recommended capture speed of the vacuum hood. ACGIH is based on the dust discharge related The type and kinetic energy clearly put forward a series of capture speeds, including the side effects of dust and the elements of re-production efficiency.

fiber laser fume extractor

For example, for a wet diamond grinding head that splashes heavy particles from a high-speed sand wheel, a capture speed of 2000 ft/min is likely to be required, while a low-density dust is likely to be 200 ft/min. The geometric shape and position of the vacuum hood are also important. A plastic hose picker in a 2-inch Shop-Vac cannot capture the dust released from the construction site during the whole process of canning gongs and drums. Conversely, it would be more reasonable to tightly surround the semi-circular grooved intake manifold near the top of the drum. Along with the discharge of the particles with high angular momentum, the specified dust hood captures the movement trajectory of the particles, and then uses the flow energy to capture the dust into the pipeline.

      Many excellent fiber laser fume extractor, grinder dust collectors and other equipment are the excellent technical results of PURE-AIR for many years. The integration of technology and specificity is the root of PURE-AIR's steady development.


If you want buy fume extractor, please contact with Dongguan Pure-Air Tech Co.,ltd,